Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pregnant In Slippers

So, 10 weeks left as of tomorrow!  Loving the show Pregnant In Heels with Rosie Pope.  Here is my rendition of the Adirondack Version...

*Pregnant In Slippers*

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Funk...

Although I woke up today and feel MUCH better than yesterday, I am getting over a serious case of the FUNKS.

You know, the I can't place a finger on it,but EVERYTHING is bothering me, therefore I can not fix it or de-funkify myself.!  I was in a royal funk yesterday, and am pretty sure that I ruined the day of those around me.  I am sorry for that, and if I could have changed it I would have...BELIEVE ME!

So today I am slowly becoming more of myself, and have begun the day with a Belly Shot comparison! I am up to a grand total of 27.6 pounds gained, and over all am feeling pretty good. 

 I cleaned our laundry area, and swept the entire basement this morning.  Ahhhh....Feels so much better! EXHALE!

My dear sister picked up some "Mothers Little Helpers" on the way home from work for her VERY uncomfortable twinnie, and cramped nephew in my belly...WE WILL LEAVE IT AT THAT. LOL!

Hopefully the FUNKS are not contagious, and you all will have a lovely weekend!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Getting outside and "Cleaning up the planet"

Today, the boys needed to get some bees out of their pants, and I shoo'ed them outside.  Usually they just climb on the wood pile, play with pretend swords (sticks), and generally just roam the property.

The other day we had cleaned up the yard...NOT KIDDING AN ENTIRE DUMPSTER full of blown around debris from Winter's furry.  I was the one who initiated it, and believe you was like pulling teeth to get Sam out there to help.  Eben was game for any adventure (like usual).  

You can imagine my surprise when Jay says to me..."they are cleaning up the woods, and putting things in the dumpster."  Apparently there was a smattering of things that had been blown into the woods, and we had missed.  I looked outside and I see them flitting from place to place, handing things to eachother to take turns running to the dumpster.  So I grabbed my camera and headed out to capture the moment.

"Auntie...we are cleaning up the planet"

"No more stuff over here mom."

"Team Trash Collector"

On the hunt for more

Found some!

On the run

Payment for each a job excellently done, and for teaching mom a lesson in the process.  

Saturday, April 16, 2011

3-D 28 Week Ultrasound Pictures

Thursday we had the pleasure of seeing our little addition in 3D~and it was AMAZING!

He has a bit of a smooshed nose (it is up against my placenta, or my uterus I think).  He is head down, measuring 2 lbs 13 oz and was a pleasure to see on the screen.  Jay, Sam and I all were in awe.  

He kept making sucking/lip smacking moves with his lips.  I love him so much!!!

Thanks for looking!

Here I am at 28 weeks along, gained 25 pounds so far, and feeling good except for the occasional hydronephrosis.  

Here is a comparison of our two boys in utero.  Sam (L) at 22 weeks, and Charlie (R) at 28 weeks.

We are very lucky, blessed, over joyed...YOU NAME IT!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sam's Sewing Bee Bag!

Today, I was in a funk, and not really in the mood to sew, actually I spent over 3 hours laid up in a bed with a FULL belly.  I got up at 1:30 PM, and went online.  DAMN...Sewing Bee Thursday~CRAP!

So, I went about my usual blog reading, and stumbled upon Ginny's post today about letting children sew.  Sam has never sewn anything but a piece of paper in the past, and I thought that this would be a good day for him to try something out.  So, I pulled out my fabric basket, and asked him what he wanted to make, A pillow or a bag.  He chose a bag, and I was thinking it was a bit out of our FIRST sewing bee reach, but I decided to let him try.  So, here are the pictures of our time together.  We had an awesome time...I swear I did not touch the foot pedal once, and I only guided him a few times.  By the end he was anticipating the backstitching, footlifting, and turning of the fabric all on his own.  I am PROUD!!!!!!!!

First we laid out the fabric choices

Then he cut the edge...ROUGH, but Mama straightened it out later

Of course a HUGE icecream sandwich was in order for energy's sake

I was glad I had moved the sewing machine to the coffee table so Mr. Flintstone Feet could reach the foot pedal.

Learning the backstitch button while sewing the pocket

Pocket pinned and ready to go...of course I forgot that you did not need to sew the pocket edges before you sew the pocket to the bag...DOLT!

Double stitches not so neatly done, no thanks to my initial mistake, but he took it in stride, and likes the look

Pinned top of the bag edge

Sewing very precisely!  Love it!

Turns out pinning is the hardest part for little hands, hard to explain, so I had him observe me.  He finally got it.

Sewing the strap

Sam'bo ready for action!

Cutting the corners of the bag to make box corners.  My favorite!

 GQ...HERE HE COMES!  Zac got some competition!  LOL!

It turned into a lovely day, and I am so glad my boy enjoyed his first sewing bee!  Hop over to Julia's Page if you wish to take part in the sewing bee too!  It is so much fun!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Omelets, and Popcorn...YUMMY!

This morning I decided that I wanted to have an Omelet.  OK...maybe Charlie wanted an Omelet, but I was happy to oblige!

3 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, and 2 slices of american cheese later...VOILA!

Then this afternoon I decided that I wanted some more popcorn!  ARGHHHHHH

Well, I searched through the cupboards and found a bag of dry know...POPPING CORN!

Hmmmmm, Julia and I used to make popcorn in college, but it involved an AirPopper popcorn maker, and a LOT OF SPRAY BUTTER.  I mean A LOT!

So, how am I to make popcorn without my air popper? We burned up the poor old girls motor our last few weeks of college.  I turned the bag over, and there were the EASIEST directions ever:

Here they are:
Pour 1/4 C. of vegetable oil into the bottom of a large metal pot (with cover).  Add ONE kernel of popcorn and cover.  Heat on medium high heat until the kernel pops.

Then add enough popcorn to cover the bottom of the pot, ONE KERNEL layer only.

Recover and shake over the heat occasionally until the popping slows to 1 pop every 5 sec.

Remove from heat, and enjoy!

I decided to sprinkle mine with salt, and mix up.  It was heaven.

Charlie and I enjoyed every mouthful, and I hope you do too!